Self-development happens through identifying your current Spectrum 64 states, and navigating your way from your 'states of challenge', such as disorganised or stressed, towards 'states of potential' such as, balanced and resourceful, and striving to achieve 'states of essence', like fearless and liberated.
Click the image to request your free Spectrum 64 Evaluation.
The number 64 plays a significant role in physics. It is often associated with perfectionism, harmony and balance. It's seen as the number that resonates with the Sun, and people with this number in their birth charts are often described as unique, beautiful and luminous. There are 64 hexagrams in the I Ching, and 64 states in the Spectrum of your human Consciousness.
In physics and mathematics, 64 is essential as the Square of 8, the Cube of 4, the smallest number with exactly seven divisors, and the first whole number, that is both a perfect square, and a perfect cube squared. It is present in many eco systems, and even in your laptop, as 64 is the size, in bits, of the data in programming languages.
More importantly for us all, Geneticists have discovered that there are 64 codons in the DNA table of the genetics code. Your 64 bit, unique Genematrix, identifies your 64 DNA embedded genetic states of challenge, potential, and essence in your personality.
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Romantic relationships make us tick. Explore how to determine the relationships worth your investment, and how to do so for a richer life. Red, Amber, Green. Imagine sitting at the dating traffic light. Stop dating the Reds, think carefully about the Ambers, but proceed with the Green lights for love, because ...
His work is the very foundation of today's psychology and psychotherapy, but he regularly created a couple's natal Genemetrics, to help him advise married couples to improve their relationship. 800 Genemetrics in one project alone.
Carl Jung, writing in1946 to B.V.Raman - (Founder of Raman Astrology):
“I study natal patterns in the evenings, and draw up natal chart geometric patterns to understand the key to a person's psychological truth. The information from placements in their geometric, are symbols of their libido, in any particular moment, that also relate them with others in their daily environments.”
Great relationships require investment, attention and exploration. They evolve as we do. Learn about your own needs, your partner's needs, and what your relationship needs. I look at your relationship compatibility by comparing your Genemetrics with your partner's, and exploring how you can be all you can be together.
Build your own natal Genemetric, to fully understand your personality, traits, and tendencies, and your vital energies.
Discover your Core Self, Shadow-self, Emotions, Communication, Loving, Assertiveness, Expansiveness, Limitations, Originality, Innovation, Dreams, Sensitivity, Public Image, Reputation, and very much more.
If you would like to talk to me about this life aspect, please click the image.
“In cases of a difficult psychological diagnosis, I have a natal Genemetric created, in order to provide a further point of view, from an entirely different angle. I must say that I very often found that the data elucidated certain points, which otherwise would have been unable to understand”. Carl Jung - 1911.
How well do you really understand the behaviour of your children?
Is your new baby, or child, a Cardinal Fire child, a Fixed Earth child, a Mutable Air child, a Cardinal Water child? Imagine that you understood your child's character, personality, traits and tendencies from the day they were born. How much easier would it be to understand their daily behaviours and reactions?
Your live 1:1 i3 personality session will explain the levels of your instinctive behaviours, Perceiving, Organising, Responding, Enquiring, Promoting, your Practical and Entrepreneurial skills, and explains the environment you need to thrive.
i3 Recruit adds an additional dimension to a recruitment selection process and delivers insights in a succinct and user-friendly format, which are easy to understand and interpret.
Your live 1:1 vital energies personality sessions will unpack your great driving forces, and your levels of Enthusiasm, Motivation, Creativity, Practicality, Stability, Curiosity, Communicativeness, Logic, Sensitivity, Intuition, and Emotions.
We all live in 64 behavioural states.
Your Genematrix 64, is your human behavioural QR code, and reveals the current maturity of each of your 64 behavioural states.
It is the key to making significant, lasting improvements in your life, and enables you to navigate your way from your 'states of challenge', towards 'states of potential', and to strive to achieve 'states of essence'.
The coach on these personality profiling sessions was Alice Carroll.
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