You are able to change your Genemetric behaviours, by controlling your thoughts, feelings and emotions, and research has shown that physical aspects of your DNA strands can be influenced by your intentions, and the maturity of your consciousness. That is why it is time for you to become more aware of the tremendous powers of your Genemetric DNA. And here is why.
Scientists placed DNA inside a sealed, airtight tube with light emitting photons. Without the DNA, the photons arranged themselves in a random scattered patter, but when the DNA was inserted, the photons formed an alignment. This proves that there are metaphysical and multidimensional aspects to your genetic DNA, as it was clearly having a direct influence over the light photons, as proved by the double slit experiment.
It’s one of many examples that there is something deeper within you that, if controlled, exerts a direct effect on you and the physical material that your entire world consists of. The world of Biogenetics is uncovering what our DNA really is, and how it affects our daily mental state, It has tremendous significance to unlock the underlying subtle energy potential within your Genemetric DNA.
The true Power of your Genemetric DNA
In addition, when the DNA was removed from the container, it was assumed that the light photons would simply return to their original scattered state, but this didn’t happen. Instead, the light photons remained ordered, behaving surprisingly and counter-intuitively, as if the DNA were still in the tube and leaving behind a kind of physical force. The DNA was still communicating with the material that our very world is made of, and that a sort of invisible force does exist. Perhaps our Genemetric DNA represents a place of storage and communication from the past, from others in our universe who have left their mark, as we may leave the same for those who follow.
It is truly impossible to try to understand and to explain this in any classical way. But in reality, it contains the only true mystery in all of us. Obviously, explaining this amazing phenomenon might be tainted with superstition, spiritualism and magic, if only because it remains, as yet, unexplained. But it’s important to remember, just because something is unexplainable, does not mean that it’s not real, it simply means that we don’t fully understand it yet. We all know that gravity exists, but as yet, nobody has been able to explain how it works.
Your Human Consciousness
In this time of true enlightenment and quantum advances in Biogenetics, you will come to accept the true force of your Genemetric DNA that you carry deep within you, and its strong connection to your mental and physical state. A greater understanding of your Genemetric is fundamental, as it drives everything that you talk about, the choices you make, why you react as you do and everything that you regard as existing.
The quantum double slit experiment further explores the role of your consciousness in shaping the nature of your physical reality. A double-slit optical system was used to test the role of consciousness in the collapse of the thought wave-function. The point is, that the quality of your daily behaviour, and the maturity of your consciousness, such as your contemplation skills, electrocortical markers of focused attention, psychological factors, your level of openness, and your rate of absorption, can significantly improve your behaviour, and the behaviour of the (matter), the people and the environment that surrounds you.
We all have light within us. Of course, we can’t actually see the light, like in a room with a daylight bulb behind a closed door. Try putting an organic object, like a plant, in a dark room, and it will slowly die. The plant in a room with a daylight bulb will thrive. Ultimately, we are all organic objects. We have all experienced the brighter behaviour of those people who seem to possess a greater light within them, evidenced by the way they choose to perceive the world, to those that remain in the dark, or are only lit by a dull bulb. It simply remains for us to understand that we can all increase our inner light, by reprogramming our Genemetric DNA, and moving out of our 'states of challenge', to our 'states of potential' and finally to our 'states of essence', and a greater inner brightness.
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